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Ignorance is Bliss

I created Ignorance is Bliss to shine a spotlight on the pervasive issue of water pollution, drawing inspiration from the tendency to turn a blind eye to the plight of aquatic life amidst environmental degradation. It's often easier to remain oblivious to the harmful consequences of pollution, preferring to maintain the illusion of tranquillity. This is a phenomenon not confined solely to water pollution but resonant across various aspects of our lives.

The allure of the ocean's beauty, with its shimmering surface reflecting sunlight, serves as a poignant juxtaposition to the unseen turmoil brewing beneath the waves.  It also reminded me of my childhood days when my family and I used to go to the beach and parks a lot, so I had a lot of fun at the beach last time. I also saw a lot of litter there as a child, but it kinda didn’t faze me at the time. A passing thought I just always wondered, how can people be so mean to just throw their rubbish anywhere they want? This was a stark reminder of human indifference.

Observing this disregard for nature sparked thoughts on the disconnect between actions and consequences. I decided to portray this irony by incorporating subtle yet reflective elements. I sought to convey the notion that amidst darkness, there's still a glimmer of hope to be found.

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^ These are the cricut animals that I drew for the vinyl cut outs.

In crafting this ensemble, I embraced sustainable practices, repurposing second-hand materials to breathe new life into old fabric. The skirt which was my mother's discarded bedsheet, underwent a transformative tie-dye process, with the elastic hem repurposed into ties for the waist. Adding intricate details, I adorned the skirt with hand-drawn swirling and sea creatures using glitter cricut heat vinyl.


The halter top, a patchwork of sentimental fabrics from cherished garments of yesteryear, reflects a harmonious blend of hues. These scraps were carefully curated and symbolised the connection of past experiences. Lastly, the crochet cardigan was handcrafted meticulously with three strands of yarn, and embodies a labour of love, enveloping the wearer in warmth.

"Ignorance is Bliss" serves not only as a call to action but also as a beacon of optimism amidst adversity, reminding us that even in the darkest depths, there's still the possibility of finding light.


Youth Eco-Arts Festival Showcase, 2023

What aRe yoU Wearing?, 2023

^ video credits: @orchardroadfashion on IG

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